Monday, January 14, 2013

It feels good to be Me.

Well, I'm back at the big ol'school of learning. It's come to my attention that the only time I have to blog is during school, and even then it's pushing it. I'll be sure to try :)
So far my schedule looks pretty straight forward so I'm pretty excited. The usual required classes I still have to take. Also, I actually joined another organization! This one drives intoxicated individuals home to keep them from driving drunk. It's a great way to make friends and do my part in making this town a little safer. Haha
However, I think I've made a pretty substantial change in my future plans. The original plan, the one I've had since I was eight, was to attend this wonderful university, apply, and be accepted into the Vet program here. Finish off as a doctor and take care of animals for the rest of my life. Well I've done some praying, some soul searching, and I've decided it's not where I am supposed to be headed. I've realized I want to have animals, and take care of them any way I can, but I don't want to pursue a degree or career in that particular field. So I'm switching to Physical Therapy. Hopefully haha It's taken a lot of stress and manipulation to make the perfect schedule to again get where I need to be. But I've never been so excited.
Decided to go to the range again last night. I really like the feel of the Glock. I've only got around ten months to save up for my firearm for my license. The glock could possibly be the one I go for. I still have a lot of research and range time to figure out what I really want, but there is no harm in shooting the same thing twice. :)
I only have one class Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with two classes on Tuesday and Thursday with an online class. I really hope I can stay pretty disciplined this semester. Haha

Alright well y'all have a safe week!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pre-Birthday Weekend!

This weekend was a blast!! The chili cook off with the parents was the most fun I've had in a while. I can't wait until next year to really show what I've got. I love going home, simply because my family is awesome. MDR wasn't kidding when he said there would be a whole lot more than a handful show up. Heck, we almost ran out of food, for the first time in ANY family event. I guess I really didn't do so much cooking, as moseying around like a good "home from college" kid should. Maybe that's why I got 7th out of 8th.... Oh well, I'd hate to beat MDR at his own race ;)
So my daddy always tells me, "boys ain't good for anything". Which in most cases is a fact I stand by 100%. The exception was reached when my Boy presented me with my early birthday present... a set of Broken Tulips.. From England. These tulips are infected with a virus, which makes them bloom in wild broken colors. They are extremely sensitive, but I have never been so excited for flowers in my life. He said something along the lines of "I knew normal flowers just wouldn't do". :) 
I can't wait to see them bloom :)
Y'all have a great week!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Nothing New on the Horizon

         This week has been an unsuccessful attempt to catch up on everything I've been meaning to catch up on, oh well. The trip home this weekend will be a rough one, what with the rain and my lack of sufficient tires. I'm oober excited nonetheless. I'll be recieving VIP access as one of the chefs for Fa and Ma's mock-chili cook off.
         I hope to get some snap shots of me holding my biology textbook stirring a pot of chili. Haha
I've got a couple tests next week which shouldn't pose too much of an issue, so no biggie there. I'm excited about my life as an "apartment gardener" for this fall. It's beyond something to be proud of :)
       My birthday is in nine days, so the celebration will take place this weekend while I'm home, during the chili cook off.
      This semester is abundant with fluidity compared to last semester, as I'm pretty sure I've learned how to study better. With the exception of Chemistry. That class kicks my butt. I need some advice on service projects involving animals for me to get into. I need something to help with my resume for Vet school. I would love to do something rescue related, like cleaning up animals after the oil spill, but you can't pray for that stuff, then you're a bad person and such.
      If anyone knows of anything near Texas or the gulf, please let me know. I would love to get involved :)
     Anyway, Y'all have a great Thursday and Friday, and a safe weekend :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

What a Week.

This week has been off the wall stressful. I went home this past weekend to see the parents, and my puppy, then returned to three tests and a few hundred homework problems. Sorry Fafa and mom, but that will probably not happen again. I did well on the Biology and Chemistry test, and find out the results of Psych today. It should be interesting :)
I feel like work is taking up way too much time. I really need to step back and reevaluate some finances to see if I can cut hours. 3-10 every night except Wednesdays just seems like a bit much. Let's just say I deserve a relaxing weekend. Haha
I went to my first "small group" meeting on Wednesday, and I love them. I can't wait to share experiences with everyone and be closer to God through them. We have a football game tomorrow night, and I am extremely excited about that. I've really gotten into school spirit this semester and I'm loving it :)
I don't really know what happened to my survival group.. they kind of just dropped off. A couple graduated, so that's expected, but no one else seems to really want to get together. Maybe it's just the wicked test week blues. I wish I had more to write about, or at least a cool story to tell, but unfortunately I am coming up short. I'm sure I'll have lots to tell after this weekend. Y'all have a great one, and stay safe!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bye Bye Flower :(

Another week is about to begin here at the big ol' school of learnin. *Sigh.
This morning I awoke to a bird chirping outside my window, as the sun streamed gracefully through the tilted shades. I stretched my sore body, (I worked out last night, so I was feeling awfully strong), and proceeded through my morning routine. Cup of coffee in one hand, biology book in the other, I made my way to my balcony where I had planned to admire my flowers. But wait, what's this? Vomit. All over my brand new flower box.
Seriously? Couldn't even make it to the other side of the balcony jerk? I stormed back inside, put on something that looked agressive, and stomped my way upstairs. Bad idea. I should have at least taken someone with me, but in my agressive stupor I failed to grab a roommate to assist in my venture. Boys. Four of them, just chilling on their balcony smoking.
Crap. I thought they were girls living above us.
"Hey guys! So um I heard lots of commotion up here last night, did y'all have fun?" I can hear them walk fairly easily, almost like hippos in the zoo or something.
"Well someone threw up in my flower box over the balcony.."
Luckily they were civil about it, and promised to clean it up as soon as they could. I eased my way back to my apartment, and watched as one of their girlfriends made her way through my entrance. *snicker.
I walked out to greet her, as she attempted to clean off the wood with her sanitizer wipes. *Sigh
It was worse than the picture depicts, I'm not just being a baby. haha We ended up not being able to save the flowers, so I tearfully pulled them up to make way for some new ones. Looks like I will not be invited to any of their parties any time soon. Oh well. Stupid Hippos.
On a side note, Tacos for dinner!!
It's a pretty routine week ahead, hopefully it doesn't take as much out of me as this past did.
Oh! And our first home game on Saturday!! I am beyond excited. First deck here I come!
Y'all have a safe week!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Battle

Mind: Hey body, let's go! Get up it's time to further BEB's future!!
Body: Alright. What's on the agenda this week?
Mind: Well, we're going to get through six hours of class Monday and Friday, Eight hours on Wednesday, and Two on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Body: Sweet! I can handle that.
Mind: I hope you don't mind that three of those classes are at 8 in the morning. Oh and don't forget, we have to work until ten every night except weekends.
Body: Oh.. Okay. Well. At least I'll get the weekends to relax.
Mind: Did you see those homework assignments?? Man I can't wait to get started on that on Saturday.
Body: Woah Woah Woah Mind. Hold up. I didn't agree to all this. I worked too hard this summer to let you push me around again this Semester.
Mind: Well you really don't have much of a choice. You're the chauffeur in this outfit ma'am. This is for the betterment of BEBs future! She'll thank us later.
Body: We will see what she can do when I drop her immune system to all these college kids.
Mind:You wouldn't dare.

And that my friends, is how I contracted a cough, sore throat, and the oncomings of a fever. Thank you, mind and body, for constantly disagreeing with one another on how much I can take.

This semester is going to be nuts. I've visited all my classes at least once now, and I'm terrified. Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Animal Science, and two 3 hour labs. Oh plus racquetball. And body has decided it's time for the college cough. Just wonderful. Well, at least my future will be worth it. Lots of EmergenC for this girl.
Alright, y'all have a Happy Hump day. Don't get too busy.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Box Of Flowers

It's funny, at home, you can't get me into the garden without a threat and a box of chocolate. There is just something about flowers and plants and such that I honestly couldn't care less about. Don't get me wrong, I loved having a garden at home and eating fresh veggies all the time, I just hated dealing with it. I left that nonsense to the parents.
However, sitting on my balcony this morning checking out my atrocious view of the street, I decided I wanted some flowers. So I picked up The Boy from campus and we headed to the Army Surplus store to pick up some wooden ammo boxes they had sitting out front. They wanted twenty a piece, but some cute words and a smile from the boy got them down to ten. I'll never live it down.
Anyway, we took the hatch off of one of them and zip tied it to the top of my balcony. Let me just say, I love it. I've never been happier about a piece of green life sprouting from the abyss of black dirt. I've never felt so giddy :)
I had planned to fill the other with dirt and do the same, but while picking out flowers The Boy hinted that my present for my birthday would take up the other box. :)
Enough about that, tonight we're making lasagna and all that great nonsense. I will defenitely post pictures in the morning about that. I'm just so excited about my new flower boxes. Have a look :)
This is after we took the hatch off.
Final result!! So pretty:)
Y'all have a great weekend!!