Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wouldn't It Be Nice


I'm not entirely sure if this is convienient, but it sure would have been nice to have while trying to pick where to stay while in college. What a story to tell the grandkids huh? :)


  1. Then make one! Apparently it's not difficult lol

  2. I agree Coley! The only problem would be a place to park it!

  3. I wonder if it would qualify as a camper? Then you could take it to any campgrounds. The only problem would be to make sure no one drives away with your house. Imagine having to tell the cops that someone drove off with your house,not a camper but a house.....

  4. Now THAT's a bugout bag ...self-contained! I hope the kid that built it never loses his vision or his enthusiasm for pursuing his ideas.

  5. Coley- You wouldn't think it would be hard to find if someone did drive off with it. haha :)

    HossBoss- I agree. There is no telling what he could do with a creative idea.
