Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Less than $2 huh?

Poverty- Living on less than $2 a day.
Extreme Poverty- Living on less than $1 a day.
According to World Bank,

"Among the excluded, a distinction is made between income-poor and "human-poor" — recognition that lack of earnings is not the only handicap to be overcome if people are to be able to lead even a minimally decent life. Such things as clean water, sanitation, health services and education are important measures of the level of living conditions and make a big difference in people's ability to advance.
So there has been improvement. But excruciating misery is still with us, even as part of the world flushes with prosperity never known before.

I agree with this statement. Although, it is slightly contradicting, and money plays an important but fleeting role in today's society, if one were to attempt to live on one's own, these are a few required advancements.
Today, it is nearly impossible to live without society, and that scares me. For example, I just attended classes that I will be paying for, for an extended amount of time, just to better myself to apply for a job that is not promised, to provide for a family I am yet to have, to later pass my debts to said family, and the cycle will continue on. Without said society to provide such classes, I would be reduced to a harder job for less pay, because you can't live without a college education these days.
So for the next eight years, I am reduced to living on less than a dollar a day, and then two dollars a day as I search for said unpromised job. Not only is said job not promised, but nor is the future. For all we know, we might actually use our B.O.B tomorrow.
Thanks for reading my rant of tonight. To read the entire article here is the link: means living on less than $2 a day&st=cse&pagewanted=1
You might have to copy and paste because it's acting up.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wouldn't It Be Nice

I'm not entirely sure if this is convienient, but it sure would have been nice to have while trying to pick where to stay while in college. What a story to tell the grandkids huh? :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Let The Games Begin!

So tomorrow I start my first day of College Classes, and I am beyond excited. This is such a new experience for me, and even though I'm nervous, I am ready to start this chapter of my life. I've been here for over a week now, and it has truely been the hardest week of my life. With the more friends I make, and the more involved I become, this town starts to seem a lot more like home.
I promise I'll have more interesting stuff to post about once I get into a rhythm, but right now, my life is one crazy schedule. What can you expect from a College kid right? :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011


So here in the big ol' school of learning, you learn quite a few more things rather than just the basic, overwhelming, tuition can pay for. For example, I've learned how to cook Suddenly Pasta Salad in the microwave, and how to prepare sweet tea in a coffee pot.
You also learn other items such as, Always bring your umbrella, or arrive at places much earlier than expected if you plan to sit down. Or my personal favorite, "if you need it from the store, so does every other kid here, so they are probably out". Y'all have a great day :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Guess Whose Back Back Back

Ah! Sorry for the delay in posts but I was prepping for FISH camp!!!! It was amazing. I'm so glad I chose this school and even though it's far from my family, I know they will always be at the ready if I need them.
So I start school next week.. and boy am I nervous. I'm all moved in and such but it's so weird to wake up and know your in a completly strange place. Granted, I love it here. The atmosphere is overwhelming with the passion everyone has for this school. As my dad puts it, yes, I've been brainwashed.
I made so many new connections this past week, and I've never been this excited before, and yes I know I've said that before.

So I'm going to ramble here for a little bit, follow along if you'd like, I really have to thank my parents.. because I don't think they really understand how much of an impact they had on my life. Mr. and Mrs. Redneck are the most supporting parents any kid could want. I started this blog to keep up with my dad's, but now I see why he does it. If it wasn't for the fact that I always had someone to talk to, that I always had that support behind me, I'd have followed all the other kids and maybe gone to a junior college. Nothing wrong with that, I just don't have the ambition to transfer once I get to a point of making money. Haha. Anyway, they are the kind of people you look at and wouldn't believe the big guy is a daughter's daddy,( instead of a daddy's girl haha), and the lovely mom a "heart on her sleve every single day" kind of lady. Ever since I was little, I've always seen them as two candles, ever so willing to light someone else's candle, even if they do spill a little wax in the process.

Well that was my ramble for the night, I'm horribly exhausted and have a call to make later. :) Thanks all of y'all for reading and I'll keep ya posted on college life. ;)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tomorrow.. What??

So tomorrow I head off to the big ol' school of learning. I am beyond excited at this point, and am already making plans for when I come back for my birthday. Everything is packed, everything is ready to go. Ah!!! :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why I Need To Go To Church More..

So today while attempting to obtain currency to fund my college education, a young woman and her two young boys pulled up in front of the store and proceded to come inside to use the restroom. As they were leaving, one of the boys stopped in the candy area and picked up a chocolate bar and ran excitedly to his mother's side. She looked sadly at the boy and whispered "I'm sorry honey not today." To which he whined, "but we can share it so we don't have to buy two momma, you can have some too".
I hadn't been paying much attention up until then, and it was then I realized the woman was wearing a pink breast cancer shirt and matching hat to cover her hair, with a wrist band with the words "I can survive Cancer". You know the cool ones you see on billboards? At that point my heart sank a little, and I almost bought the candy bar for them but I was interrupted by another customer as they left.
A few minutes later, they were still parked outside, the woman exits her vehicle, pops the hood, and puts her head in her hands. Know I've been in that situation enough to know she took one look, and had no idea what the problem was. So she ushered the boys inside to one of the tables and told them to sit while she called their father. I took this time to walk to my car and retrieve some crayons and princess coloring books I keep for emergencies, and offered them to the boys to keep them entertained.
They sat at those tables for almost an hour, and finally I asked if they needed the number of a good mechanic, or if she wanted me to take a look. Smiling, she told me her husband should be there in about an hour, as he was coming from the state above us. As I was walking away, I overheard the boys start to whisper to their mother how they were hungry, and her reply they couldn't get anything until they got home.
So being the softie I am, I created a simple pizza and told her it was from the boss man. A few minutes later I watched her get up and go to the bathroom, and return after a while with red rimmed eyes. And of course, I started crying.
Her husband arrived with a trailer and they loaded up the car and the boys returned my coloring books and crayons and thanked me for the pizza.
The mother came and thanked me again for the pizza and for being so nice, and the only words I could really say were that I would pray for her. She was taken aback, but didn't say anything. I watched her leave, and I could see the husband's worry as he walked over to her, but she just put her head in her hands, and he hugged her, and they left.
Kind of breaks my heart a little every time I think about it.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Long Ago..

So I apologize for the lack of posts but college has me in it's sight.

My parents have told me stories about how they had so much fun in high school, and if given the chance, they would never do those stupid things again. They tell me they don't keep in contact from the kids from High School, and that is expected. The only thing I'm having trouble grasping, is the advice to just cut ties and move on. I love my friends. I really do. And this summer, I've made more friends than my entire Senior year combined.

I have less than two weeks now, and I want to go and enjoy the remaining with said friends. Right? Most memories are made in High School. I looked on my parents old high school facebook sites where people can get on there and post old memories and such, and It's pretty depressing to read all the cool stories, and know I'm lacking.

I work hard for everything I have. I've had the same job for over a year, that I've excelled in. I played numerous sports that consumed hours and hours of practice. The remaining was dictated to making sure I got to where I needed to be in schoolwork. Granted, I have a great future ahead of me that I'm more than excited for. But I have two weeks left as a high school kid before I become an bonafied adult, and personally I don't mind making a couple decisions that I wouldn't have made before, as long as I know I'm in control of the situation.

Now, I know that is not always a possibility. But I am a strong influence, whether my parents choose to believe that or not. I decide the individuals I hang with, so I am in control of the personalities involved. If a variable is introduced, there is always a way out. Which, My parents have been subject to some late night calls.

Granted, all this rambling is for simple reason. Share your high school stories with me? :)